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Sunday, 21 September 2014


The big day finally finally FINALLY arrived! I spent most of Thursday being an excited/nervous wreck. After six weeks of PST all I wanted was to know where I was going to be placed for the next two years. I wanted to be able to plan and dream and think about projects in a more concrete way. Anyway, we spent most of the day distracted and wishing our sessions would go by more quickly. When the time finally arrived, we shuffled into a big room decorated with balloons and sat in our semi-circle of plastic chairs. Once we all settled down, we were told to look under our chairs and pull out the numbers taped under our seats. I got number 20 out of 72 and only had to fidget for a little while before it was my turn to step up to the table and find out where my site is. 
After a few seconds of fumbling, I ripped open my envelope and found that I'll be living in GOBOJANGO for the next two years! I obviously had no idea where that was at first, but when they put my name on the map I saw that Gobojango is in the east, very close to the Tuli Block and Zimbababwe's border, and very close to the village I shadowed! I was so happy. I don't know too much about my village yet, but I know that my clinic is a tiny health post that a doctor visits twice a month to check on ARV patients. The volunteer I'm replacing is actually in El Salvador right now working with Peace Corps response. She seemed to really love Gobojango and I can't wait to make it my home in a few weeks!

Pre-placement jitters

My placement packet and a treat! 
This was definitely one of the best days I've had so far.

p.s. Quick mail shout-out: thank to my parents and Sarah for the wonderful packages, they really made my day!

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