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Saturday, 6 September 2014

One month in!

This week marks one month since I joined the Peace Corps! It still surprises me sometimes that I'm in Botswana. This week was great and things are finally speeding up a bit around here. We had Monday off (thank you labour day) so we got to go to the rhino sanctuary! I was beyond excited for my first game drive and it did not disappoint. We saw rhinos, giraffes (in the distance), impalas, warthogs, springboks, all kinds of birds, and zebras. The zebras were by far my favourite, their stripes are mesmerising and I managed to get some pretty good pictures.
This week was also the week we found out who we're shadowing, we also had the opportunity to visit a local clinic, AND we have our first LPI (language proficiency interview), so we had all kinds of excitement. On Monday I'm going to the bus rink bright and early to catch a bus to Bobonong where I'll meet the volunteer I'm shadowing and find a ride to Mathathane. Mathathane is in the very east of Botswana, close to the South African border. I can't wait to see a new part of the country and most of all I want to see what the day to day life is like of a current clinic and health team volunteer.
Tomorrow morning I have my LPI which will essentially be a 10 minute interview in Setswana followed by a scenario I'm supposed to act out. I'm finally starting to feel a bit more confident in my Setswana and I hope that I'll be able to show what I know tomorrow. These interviews are important because they're going to use the results to re-cluster our language classes according to ability. This will be our first real evaluation so we know where we are and how much we have to learn to be able to swear in. By the end of PST I need to have achieved an intermediate low level of proficiency. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds amazing Tiphaine! Especially seeing the animals up close. Good luck with your proficiency exam!--Meg
