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Saturday, 23 August 2014

Host family - The Twins Edition

I mentioned briefly in my last post that I have a host sister (Wabobedi) and she’s the one who decided to take part in the Peace Corps matching program. I am the first volunteer she’s ever had and I am so glad she chose to be a host. She lives with her four children: Tso Tso (16), Sadi (10), Lera (2) and Lere (2), and her mother (aka my host mom) Ogaufi who is 61.

Here's a picture of my house!

And here's my beautiful front door

I was the youngest child growing up so I was thrilled to have twin little boys to play with and get to know. Lera and Lere are hilarious and cute as can be. They can also be quite a handful, all drawers have to be tied shut and I’ve learned never to leave anything on the ground. 
I always felt a bit uncomfortable around small children because I had no idea how to interact with them, but I’m proud to say I’m learning a lot and loving it. The other day I picked up Lere for the first time and carried him around! It also took a couple of days for the two of them to get used to having me in the house. I’ll never forget my first interaction with Lera, he looked at me like I was the strangest thing he’d ever seen (I probably was). For the first few days he could not stop staring at me and would occasionally walk into my room, stare at me for a few minutes, and then walk out again. Nowadays they’re comfortable scrambling all over me and demanding that we play. They don’t have any toys, but we chase each other around and play peek-a-boo with the curtains and it's great. My hair is also a big topic of interest, Lere really likes to run his fingers through it and play with the texture. Anyway, having little kids in the house has really made my host stay experience even better. They break the ice and it’s nice to have people to play with after an exhausting day of PST.

Lere is a cutie who always tries to grab my camera before I can take a proper picture

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