During those three months my job was to relax, learn about my community, and build meaningful friendships and work relationships. Absolutely no new projects allowed. I spent a lot of time sitting and talking to people, going on walks, and shadowing people. I had a lot of firsts during this time - first time living alone, first time eating a caterpillar (also known as mopane worm, it's such a popular snack here it's even on some of the currency! For the record, it tasted like kale chips).
Anyway, rather than write a long blog post again, I thought I'd write a list of some of the things I did during lockdown:
-Had my first Christmas without my family (very hard)
-Rode in a donkey cart
-Taught my coworkers to make pancakes
-Joined the youth club at the Junior Secondary School
-Went to a tombstone unveiling ceremony
-Had every thought imaginable
-Got a kitten!
-Started planning my future garden
-Had a Christmas party for the neighbourhood kids
I made a tree out of paper, cut out some ornaments, and let the kids go nuts with colouring
-Learned to bake
-Made friends
-Failed to cook naan
-Met my district's parliamentarian
This is our kgotla! All the village meetings happen here. It's traditional to sit under a tree for kgotla meetings.
-Held countless movie nights for kids
-Got stuck in the mud (literally) after the first big rain
-Weighed babies
-Counted pills
My clinic
-Plotted future health talks
-Made friends with half the dogs in my village (and had them follow me home)
-Asked a lot of questions
-Borrowed my neighbour's grandmother's donkey to be my lawnmowers
There's my kitty in front of the donkeys
-Watched the Christmas choirs
-Marvelled at chicken behaviour
-Kicked centipedes, millipedes, ants, grasshoppers, and camel spiders out of my house
-Swept my house for the thousandth time and wondered how all the dirt keeps getting in
-Sweat constantly
-Took cold baths
-Started sweating the second I was dry
-Wished for rain
-Sweat some more
Finally, here's my cute little house!